Jumat, 18 Mei 2012
Alpha BEWARE Membranes Break Before Their Time
Best friends, happy pregnancy but also there are times - when the critical need attention all of us. Especially in pregnancy who experienced premature rupture of membranes. Many complications that can occur due to delays in pregnant women come to the midwife or doctor. This
delay could be caused by many things, including lack of knowledge of
mothers about the dangers of premature rupture keetuban or before the
time ..What does it mean to premature rupture of membranes?Friend,
premature rupture of amniotic sac or membranes rupture prematurely is a
condition in which amniotic fluid is flowing and seeping in or out
continuously from the birth canal and is not accompanied by signs of
labor. Amniotic rupture in kehaamilan young and late pregnancy remains the same - the same risk of infection in infants. Ideally,
the membranes that protect the fetus in the womb of a new tear or
rupture after term pregnancies and follow the signs - a sign at the
start of the process for delivery. Integrity of membranes is very important for the protection of the fetus in the womb.So what are the factors that can cause premature rupture of membranes?There
are so many factors that can cause premature rupture of membranes, in
theory, be mentioned that due to the reduced strength of amniotic
membranes withstand the pressure that comes from within the womb,
infection in the birth mother, collision or physical and psychological
trauma. and so onIf
the amniotic sac has ruptured, it means that the membrane that protects
the fetus is torn, and the reduced amount of amniotic fluid. Ideally the amniotic fluid is approximately> 500 cc to dengan1000 cc.Babies in the womb is like being in a bubble-like membrane that thin water-filled balloon yet. Baby
safely swim in the warm water and move ketuban.Nah when the membrane
was torn, then the waters will flow continuously, eventually can dry
out.What are the result of premature rupture of membranes?-InfectionThis is because the membranes are torn an entrance for bacteria germs, fever and the mother becomes infected infants-Premature birthsIn
pregnancy is still not quite the moon, will stimulate contractions
rupture resulting in the opening of the birth and babies born before
aktunya. When
the waters had already been declared out by a doctor or midwife, the
baby's condition in a state of alert of infection, therefore, the baby
should be born if it meets the provisions for terminating the pregnancy
with the stimulated (induced) or intravenous medications, there are even
some cases of Caesarean section should be done.Any consideration of the doctor or midwife to terminate the pregnancy by induction or stimulation by infusion or medication?There
are some things that will be considered, among others, gestational age,
the baby's heart condition, there is no infection and the complications
that accompany the mother and fetus and also at the size of the opening
of the birth and birth marks.Action to stimulate labor and harmful drug infusion did not ya? Khan is still premature babies.Friend,
doctor or midwife will explain in detail, before taking action to
stimulate other kelahiran.Antara prioses benefits and purpose and what
will the mother feel during the process of labor induction is performed.Well of where the risks? Leaving the baby in the womb or childbirth?Certainly return to the options that we are doing is best to save the mother and baby. As before we know that after the membranes tear, then the waters will continue to mengalir.Hal inibisa harm the fetus state. Especially infections.In
premature infants there is a special policy where the birth will be
prepared in such a way as to prepare a lung maturity - the baby's lungs,
outside environment such as the available incubator or heated and the
kangaroo method can also be done after the baby is born, the mother
clasping the baby to the breast skin directly contact the mother, in order to keep premature babies warm.Is it true that rupture the amniotic fluid can be replaced by drinking lots of water?Of
course not, water breaks meant membranes were torn, if left unchecked
will lead to infant breathing problems are also infected. Drinking
water is needed to replace body fluids lost mother, either through
sweat, urine, caused by the body's calorie burning process and so on. Drinking
water is still important for pregnant women who have ruptured membranes
for the mother's body fluids are met, especially when there is fever.Is it true that when the water breaks can cause the baby's umbilical cord out of the birth canal?Absolutely,
there are some cases followed by the release of water breaks baby's
umbilical cord, the condition is extremely dangerous. Therefore, when the water breaks up immediately into the bed or lying down at least do not stand or even the road - the road. Umbilical
cord could come out when the baby is close to the bottom of the pelvis
has not entered the door, so there are voids or gaps that allow the cord
pushed out. When experiencing an event like this should never pull atai try to put the umbilical cord. Immediately brought to the doctor or the nearest clinic or midwife and the mother's pelvis with a pillow on the raise.How can I know that the exit was amniotic fluid, urine or vaginal discharge? I am confused sometimes tell the difference.Friend,
there is the color of amniotic fluid is clear, cloudy white as rice
water, there is a slightly yellowish and there are also green.Well if it does rupture the amniotic fluid that smells fishy and distinctive, very different from the smell of urine / urine. And if the amniotic fluid that seeps water will not stop - even till berhenti.terus flowing wet clothes. When the watery discharge sometimes only come out once and then stopped.For
pregnant women first and still inexperienced when it feels there is a
liquid out of the birth canal, but doubt whether or not the membranes do
not hesitate to come midwife or doctor, because there are some mothers
who ketubannya membrane rupture, but the fluid oozes out just a little
bit. So
to determine whether amniotic fluid then the midwife or doctor will
perform a series of tests, among other uses litmus paper test (nitrazin
test).What should I do to membranes did not rupture prematurely?Can not be sure whether premature rupture of membranes can be prevented, but it - the following will help;1.Hindari a tiring journey and cause physical and mental tension for pregnant women2. Avoid
eating - foods that could meerangsang uterine contractions, such as
high levels of alcoholic beverages, fermented foods that contain
excessive3. Avoid trauma or physical impact on the abdominal area4. In
pregnant twins, reduce excessive activity, due to his own twin
pregnancies are at risk of premature rupture of the uterus due
pereganagan.5. Keep the pregnant woman's body from infections, especially infections of the genital area6. Avoid excessive stress hormones that will stimulate the body to cause the uterus kontraaksi7.Lakukan
sexual relations in the liver - the liver, especially in the second
trimester of pregnancy, refrain from sexual relations when the water
breaks.What should I do when the water breaks?A. Husband and wife do not panic2
Soon to come to the nearest maternity clinic on the way or if it is
still possible to come to a midwife or doctor who treated the hospital.3. Do not delay, try to get immediate help from health professionals.4.Tidak allowed to drink any potions either raw eggs and honey, oil, grass-roots rendamann fatima and other herbs.5. When
you are with the medical staff, the condition of the mother has been
observed so try to relax and follow the advice midwife or doctor who
treated. It is very important to help reduce the contraction.Is pregnancy with rupture of membranes could still be delayed birth of her baby?There
are several cases in which amniotic fluid seeps just a little bit and
there are no signs of infection such as heat in the mother, the doctor
or midwife will care for pregnant women with ruptured membranes are
intensively and pregnant women should rest in the hospital. Treatment will be provided for both the mother and fetus. In
this monitoring, sometimes pregnancy can still be postponed till a
certain time limit depending on the policy of the doctors, especially as
far as possible the baby could be born with a lung condition - good
lung function at birth.However, pregnancy does not mean all premature rupture of membranes can be maintained for a long time. Every
day there will be changes that could alter the decision to immediately
terminate the pregnancy with rupture of membranes for the safety of
infants and mothers.So little to the essential information during pregnancy, may be useful and good to celebrate Eid, apologize and unseenWarm greetings always bidancareRomana Dance Keb Amd
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